Stress Less: A Mindfulness Group


Stress-Less: A Mindfulness Group

Shelby Stone, MMFT

Stress Less: A Mindfulness Group is a way for high schoolers to learn how to manage stress and anxiety through mindfulness training and other skills. Group leader and therapist, Shelby Stone, uses cognitive behavioral techniques, a strengths-based approach, to help teens:

  • Reduce stress and manage emotions (i.e. irritability, sadness, worry)

  • Improve social relationships and issues (i.e. peer conflict, communication, loneliness)

  • Encourage school attendance and and improve academic performance

  • Decrease school- and test-related anxiety

  • Increase attention, memory, and concentration

  • Improve health, well-being, and ability to relax

Feeling stressed? Stress is a normal part of life but too much stress can feel paralyzing. Teens often struggle to find the balance between being a kid, completing schoolwork, and planning for the future. For teens, mindfulness skills can provide immediate relief from anxiety-related symptoms (i.e. worry, irritability, headaches, stomachaches, sadness) while working on long term goals of stress-management. Teens are able to take coping skills with them to prevent and help solve future issues. This group setting helps to normalize teens' experiences and create healthy habits for life!


  • Cost: $50/session

  • Time: Thursdays 4:15 - 5:30pm

  • Duration: 8 sessions (October - November)

  • Location: 1452 26th Street, Suite 203, Santa Monica, CA 90404

  • Contact: (424) 645-7754

Learn how to tackle stress and help set yourself up for success in school, relationships, and life.